Our Lady of Grace Conference
Meeting of 24/11/2016
Since the
last meeting our Vincentians undertook a total of 16 visits to people in the
local community and care homes, providing support and companionship to the
housebound and visiting the sick, helping with shopping and problems.
Opening prayers for our meeting included
a reading from the Advent Walk With Me booklet “The promise of love”. Members then discussed visits,
correspondence and the plans for wrapping and delivering the Christmas parcels.
Mary Queen of Peace, we pray for the Christian communities
in Mosul and in other parts of the Middle East, where they have lived with
their fellow citizens from the very beginning of Christianity.
Through your
intercession bring light out of this present darkness and hope from despair so
that guided by the Holy Spirit, all God’s children may find a new way forward
together based love.
If anyone would like to join us as a visiting member or to
support us in any other way they would be most welcome. For further information, contact Our Lady of
Grace presbytery on 0161-773 2324.